

Alanya is located on 36°33′ northern latitude and 31.01° eastern meridian. It’s acreage measures 2.085 km². Alanya is located in Mediterranean region within the borders of a province called Antalya. On its east there is Alanya Bay that has the same name. There are Meditarrenean Sea on its south, Gazipaþa on its east, Manavgat on its west and Toros Mt. on its north. Toros Mt. lie like a chain on its north with plains and mountains height of whose range from 500-600 m. to 2500-3000. Along the coast there are plains not too high. Climbing down to the plains from mountains is done through plateaus. Plateau begin to fade away as you get closer to the west on which there is Alanya Peninsula. To climb up to mountains from plateaus, it is necessary to pass steep slopes.

Climate and Vegetation Cover

There is a typical Meditarrenean climate over Alanya. It is hot and arid in summer, rainy and humid in winter. As the town is surrounded by high mountains on the west, north and east, winds that come from these directions can not reach Alanya and this makes the town a perfect place to grow a variety of plants that are also grow all around the world.

Other than the fruit growing that is done by the townsfolk, there is a fruit production station. The town is capable of producing 500.000 saplings a year thanks to a 1000 decare land since 1938 which is located among the borders of Aþaðý Oba Village on the towns east. Fruits are distributed all around the country starting from Alanya. Though it is not too much, the station is able to grow a variety of fruits and vegetables producted as well worldwide. Some of these are Japanese plum, pomegranate, coffee, walnut, pineapple, guava, avocado, jujube and decoration plants for gardens. Greenhouse cultivation is a common occupation in and around Alanya. Farmers in Alanya can grow and distribute such fruits and vegetables that they can not survive the harsh cold of winter. Banana is also an important source of income other than early grown fruits and vegetables. Alanya’s bananas are very popular and delicious. Citrus fruits, orange, lemon and grapefruit are well known around the country.