
The coast of Alanya extending about 100 km. is famous with its natural beaches. These beaches are wide and they have Blue Flag.


Alanya is located on 36°33' northern latitude and 31.01° eastern meridian. It's acreage measures 2.085 km².

Outdoor and Sports

When we talk about sports in Alanya, the first thing that comes to mind is the Triathlon Race which has a very important place in the world of sports.

Daily Life

The Turkish Republic is a secular and democratic state of law, which was founded in 1923, under leadership of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.


These museums are generally open to public service during all weekdays and may be visited between 08.00 and 19.00 hours during summer months and between 08.00 and 17.00...


The coast of Alanya extending about 100 km. is famous with its natural beaches. These beaches are wide and they have Blue Flag.

Night Life

Sunset in Alanya gives a piece of good news that the nightlife begins and it lasts until next morning. Bars, discos wait for those who are young in spirit.